We NEED: Tools, collectables, antiques, perfumes, jewelry, purses, pots and pans, dishes, radios, small pieces of furniture, portable appliances, toys/ games, portable sports equipment, books, and “like new” holiday items.
What’s NOT NEEDED: Plastic flowers, clothes/shoes, plastic cups and water bottles, plastic containers and bowls, large pieces of furniture, typewriters, computers/printers, televisions, old luggage, encyclopedias, stuffed animals, Readers’ Digest condensed books, National Geographic magazines.
COLLECTION SATURDAYS in the St. Maurice Church garage: August 3, 10 and 17 (9:00 am—12 Noon). If you’d like to help with the Flea Market, you are welcome to join us on these Saturdays. You are also welcome to help with the pricing/organization of all we collect which we do during the weeks following the collection dates. Any questions, call or text Glenn and Roberta at 412-849-6210 or 412-351-2411.