St. Joseph the Worker Parish wishes to congratulate all of our couples who were recently engaged over the holidays! What a joyous time for you and your families! If you haven't done so already, please contact Cheryl Kirkland at 412-351-6710, to begin planning your wedding within our Parish. An integral aspect of getting married in the Catholic Church is attending a Marriage Preparation or Pre Cana session. These sessions will help couples learn about the importance of having a Catholic centered marriage, talks on finance, parenting and more! St. Joseph the Worker Parish is blessed to run our own Pre Cana Marriage Preparation Session for those getting married in our Parish and the Parishes around us. This year's Pre Cana Marriage Prep session is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2023 at the Parish Center. Our session fulfills the Diocese of Pittsburgh's requirements for being married in a Catholic Church. The cost for the session is $75. Please contact the Parish Office at 412-271-0809 to register. Thanks!